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Nourhajjali's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nourhajjali's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I also agree with this argument, but, even though the criminals will still find a way to get there hands on guns after their illegal it will be harder and take more time then it usually takes them to get a gun int their arms. Once guns are taken away minors wont be able to get their hands on guns and cause shootings in schools and neighborhoods. Criminals are criminals and most of them will not change doing time in jail and thats the policies job to handle them and their crimes, if guns are banned they either wont be able to get one in the US or it will take them longer time.

1 point

This amendment was written a long time ago when guns weren't as complex and weren't causing a huge commotion, there is no problem with change especially when the change will be protecting children's futures.

1 point

When people have guns to protect themselves it essentially means their protecting themselves from people in their neighborhood, or bad people they got involved with. If there wasn't guns in the first place then less armed dangerous break ins and robberies would happen, and there would be no need for the owner of those homes or places to be armed. If someone broke into your house without a gun and just his bare hands you have many other ways you could defend yourself. A gun in your house may give u a sense of safety and security but it does increase then percentage rate of you dying by a bullet by a lot. If there are kids in your house to protect you would be doing them a favor if you do not get them near guns since many accidents do happen. Based on well known research from 2006-2016 there has been almost 6,8885 people in the United States died from unintentional and accidental shootings and over 1.6 million children under the age 18 are living in households with firearms that are most likely are available at any reach or are in unlocked areas.

1 point

As you stated yourself: "if someone would have never even touched a gun, none of these shooting would have happened." If people of the united states have access to guns i think they would be allowed to touch a gun in the first place. Guns are very violent dangerous objects that cause commotion in many countries, if there wasn't guns in the first place then the peoples decisions to kill people wouldn't be as successful with a baseball bat of a knife.

1 point

Even though guns may have protected this homeowner and many other people like him. Research and statistics show us when theirs a gun in a household theres an increase in the chance that the owner of the gun may get shot either by triggering suicide, homicide, or accidents. Based on research, owning a gun increases your chances of death by three ways, suicide, homicide, and accidents. Data from the national violent death reporting system indicates that “51.8% of deaths from suicide in 2009 were firearm-related; among homicide victims, 66.5% were firearm-related.”

1 point

Once people have the right to bear arms it essentially means that anyone can get a gun at any time for anyone, even though there are requirements to get guns. These past two years has had many many gun related crimes, including ones with the guns in minors arms. According to CNN there has been on average one school shooting every week of 2018 so far. If guns were used to protect people then why have their been more then 212 deaths in 2018 due to mass shootings in the Us, and 588 deaths in 2017 due to mass shootings.

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