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Reward Points:12
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

the first and Fourth amendment considered the national security as a priority. Since the implementation of the Patriot Act, the first and fourth amendments were changed to enhance national security. This implied that according to the act the authorities had the rights to vary and at sometimes compromise people’s freedom in their fight against terrorism. Personal privacy is a civil liberty; according to the constitution, the government has a duty to ensure that it protects human rights. The national Act was designed to fight terrorism, had little or no concern over individual privacy and civil liberties. Although fighting terrorism to ensure national security is, a good thing for the government it is costly and therefore the government needed to think otherwise. The cost that the government incurred in ensuring national stood out as an opportunity cost. The government needed to consider the opportunity cost that it suffered in ensuring national security at the expense of civil liberties

1 point

privacy is important, but not more than security. if you die, will you ask for privacy? our privacy will do us no good if we die. national security is needed specially in wars nowadays, people don't think their rights will protect them so they give their rights to stay living. or else, if everyone wants privacy, then who will support the country?

2 points

although he had an unexpected search, it wasn't stated as unreasonable. the police are here to protect us from the people who may harm us around us. from seeing the data of this person and tracking him, the police can suspect he's going to harm people, so they ask for a search. your privacy is given to the government for more security, by giving your privacy, they can know all things about you. according to you site, it wasn't written any evidence or reasoning about the person and his background information, this shows that we do not know what this person did in the past.

2 points

replying to hatim:

the school is doing the test for a reason, the school administrators are charged with ensuring a safe, supportive, and healthy school environment where children can learn and reach their full potential. This includes taking measures to prevent tobacco, alcohol and drug use among students. there are currently no federal laws regarding school based drug testing.

2 points

We give up some of our rights to the government in order that we may be protected, and sometimes that government might have to infringe on our other rights in order to protect us. We can't be fully protected and safe without the help of the government and in order to do that, we need to give up some of our privacy for national security. Also, to reduce chances of terrorist entering countries, some loss of privacy is needed.Our rights do us no good if we’re dead anyway.

1 point

replying to hatim:

the school is doing the test for a reason, the school administrators are charged with ensuring a safe, supportive, and healthy school environment where children can learn and reach their full potential. This includes taking measures to prevent tobacco, alcohol and drug use among students. there are currently no federal laws regarding school based drug testing.

1 point

There was a saying by a young man:

“I rather give up some information about me on an airplane and them looking through my bags when I'm innocent then them not searching our bags and being blown up by terrorists. I'd rather have the government seeing some of my personal life than dying. And to refute Ben Franklin's quote, he didn't live in a time where terrorists were trying to blow up the country like they are now.”

This means people aren't willing to die for privacy. on the website, they asked all 13 years and above students from a specific school to vote if privacy is more important that security. 39% said it is important, but 61% said it wasn't.

Winning Position: shouln't give up privacy?

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