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RSS Biancavukov

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

The only reason they haven't banned guns yet is because of the money they are receiving from selling them. If one child swallowing a kinder egg made kinder eggs get banned, then guns which kill thousands should be too.

1 point

Kinder Eggs are not nearly as dangerous as guns. People with guns kill other people, and if you would rather take away a kinder egg from a child than a murder weapon, then there really is something that should be changed.

1 point

They would repeal a right that was there from the start because it is killing more people than it is saving. Having the right to bear arms shows that people can not handle it, and are killing innocent people.

1 point

The other ways to kill will not be as deadly as guns. They will not kill as many people as guns did, and obtaining guns will be much harder. Checks could be made and mass murders will decrease when guns are almost gone.

1 point

Kinder Eggs have been banned in America to protect children. But they can’t get rid of guns that have killed thousands. If Kinder Eggs seemed like such a big problem that they had to make them illegal, guns should have been gone a while ago to as they kill many innocent people that have lives to live but were killed by a gun, but they haven’t been gotten rid of yet because of the money they receive from selling the guns.

1 point

Giving people the guns is making people killing people much easier. Yes people kill people, but when the guns are there for them to use, it makes it easy to kill dozens of people at once. People could find other ways, but they couldn't kill as many people as the shootings have killed.

1 point

There is evidence that changing gun laws can and will make a huge difference. Criminals are still there, but it changes. After Australia had a mass shooting, guns were banned and made much harder to get. Since then, no mass shootings have occurred there. Giving guns to the criminals makes killing much easier, and taking them away will stop it. So it will stop the mass shootings.

1 point

Many people can live without guns as their own self defence. Taking away guns would make you feel much safer as the mass shootings would dramatically decrease, and if you really need a gun, you can get licensed and guns would be safe from the killers.

1 point

The second amendment should be updated for our modern society.

There have been 100 mass shootings since the start of 2018. 36 People have already been killed this May, and 116 have been injured from school shootings. In 2017 there was 117 deaths, and at the start of 2018 there was already 21, and the number is still rising. It should be updated because people are losing their lives due to gun use.

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