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GeorgeNgata's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GeorgeNgata's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is just the bakers opinion. he has the right to not believe in same sex marriage because of this law.

1 point

Yes, all of these opinions can cause conflict and riots, etc, but without these opinions where would the government be? If there were no freedom of speech and the government would not do the right things for their people. For example: according to if the governments having an election, the people would not be able to vote, only the government and the new president could be the one that majority of the people do not want because they didn't have the right to vote.

1 point

Freedom of speech should not have limits. Freedom of speech allows a person to let others know what is on their mind. For example: according to If you are not so happy about a decision that the government is making, you can speak what is on your mind and the people would take this into consideration.

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