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Ms Moffat's Class

HATIMSaeed's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of HATIMSaeed's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Savanah redding gave a prescription ibuprofen to another student and was brought into the office, the principal demanded that he see her purse to see for any dangerous items. some weapons and medicine were found. although the search may have had a reason she was also strip searched through all her clothing. Savanah later went on to sue the school because she felt her privacy was violated when she was searched and won the case.

2 points

replying to Reem

No privacy needs to be given up to stop terrorists from entering places like the USA, that is why immigration exists and travel bans prevent people from unsafe countries entering places like the USA. All the immigration will do is see who you are, ask why you are here to see if you could be potentially dangerous.

1 point

replying to Allison

Although she gave up some privacy if anyone else got access to any of that information she could have lots of her personal data stolen, people could use her name and date of birth for many things, also her email could be hacked and her files may now not be just secure to her.

2 points

Police showed up to a man's house demanding a search, he had asked for a warrant but the police did not have one. They took the husband into the front yard, slammed him to the ground and cuffed him. When they came back from inside the house the man wasn't found. The police were found guilty of violating the 4th amendment. 2017/09/15/court-deputies-violated-4th-amendment-rights

1 point

There was one particular case in which a student refused to take a school-wide drug test, his parents refused for the child to be allowed to be tested. The student and his parents took the school to court to sue them for the 4th amendment violation. Although that may have seemed like a violation the court ruled the case perfectly legal.

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